HemoSpat News

Journal of Forensic Identification

The March/April 2011 issue of the Journal of Forensic Identification contains an article titled One-Sided Impact Spatter and Area-of-Origin Calculations. This is the result of a combined effort of FORident Software, L’Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale in Paris, France, and the Forensic Identification Section of the Ottawa Police Service in Ottawa, Canada.

The purpose of this study was to examine impact patterns where stains from only one side of the pattern were available to determine what information we could generate from them.

The abstract of the paper is available on our new Bloodstain Research page. [We will also make the paper available there if we receive a PDF.]

If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free contact us.

ACSR Conference 2011 Jacksonville, FL, USA

I attended the 2011 Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction [ACSR] conference in Jacksonville, FL, USA last week. Thanks to Tom Brady, Michael Maloney, and the NCIS team for organizing the conference and especially for giving me the opportunity to present a workshop on HemoSpat and a talk on my cast-off pattern research. Special thanks to Walter for helping me set up and tear down the workshop.

This was my first ACSR conference and I’d like to thank the ACSR members and other attendees for making me feel so welcome. The talk highlights for me at this conference were Digital Mapping of Differential Oxidation Arising From Fingerprint Sweat Deposits presented by Dr. John Bond [Scientific Support Department, Northamptonshire Police, England], Hijacked Naval Vessel Scene Investigation and the Impact of Forensic Reconstruction by E. Toomer, and Wound Mapping: A Reconstruction Technique by Michael Maloney [Bevel, Gardner & Associates].

I also had the opportunity to take a full day Basic Digital Forensic Photography workshop with “Nikon Ron”. I found it really useful to get a breakdown of the basics and to get some hands-on experience through the exercises we completed. Thanks again to Walter for lending me his camera!

If you attended the conference and saw my presentation on Visualization of Linear Cast-off Patterns I’d really appreciate any feedback you may have on either the subject or my presentation delivery.

Next year’s ACSR conference is in Monterey, CA, USA. Should be fun and I’m sure the hospitality suite will be well stocked for this one!

Andy Maloney

Lead Developer, HemoSpat

Bloodstain Search and EnchanceMartin Eversdijk [Loci Forensic Products] and Paul Kish [Forensic Consultant & Associates] are conducting a Visualization of Latent Bloodstains course at Elmira College in Elmira, NY, USA. There are two sessions: 6-10 June, 2011 and 13-17 June, 2011. Each session is limited to 16 participants.

This course will provide the participants with first-hand knowledge of how and when to employ searching and enhancement techniques to locate and visualize latent bloodstains. Students will acquire first-hand knowledge of the benefits as well as the limitations of commonly used chemical searching and enhancement techniques.

Upon completion of this course, the participants will have acquired a basic understanding of how and when to use blood searching and enhancing chemicals to assist in their investigation where latent blood is suspected.

This course is recommended for investigators, crime scene technicians, and forensic scientists who routine search for blood at crime scenes as well as on articles of physical evidence.

Some of the topics include:

  • Searching vs. Enhancing Techniques
  • Blood Searching Techniques using Luminol, Lumiscene, and Fluorescein
  • Blood Enhancement Techniques including Amido Black, Acid Fuchsin (Hungarian Red), Aqueous Leucocrystal Violet (ALCV), Titanium Dioxide, and others
  • Photographic Documentation
  • Introduction to IR Photography
  • Health and Safety Issues

For more information, you may download the brochure at the Loci Forensic Products Lumiscene page.

I attended the 2010 IABPA conference in Atlantic City, USA last week. I was fortunate enough to have been invited to give workshops on HemoSpat at the conference. Thanks to Jeff Scozzafava [Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office, New Jersey, USA] and his team for organizing it and for inviting me to give workshops. Special thanks to Kevin Parmelee [Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office, New Jersey, USA] and Anthony Mangione [Hamilton Police Division, New Jersey, USA] for their help setting up and tearing down the workshop.

I think the workshops went fairly well and I enjoyed the interaction with the attendees. Thanks to Brian Allen [Ontario Police College, Canada] who sat in on one of them and helped out answering questions, fostering discussion, and providing some one-on-one tutoring for the other participants. My favourite quote from the workshops: “I’ve never used a computer this long without swearing!”

The most interesting talks for me this time were the double murder case presented by DeWayne Morris of the Illinois State Police, the research presented by Victoria Richards of Cedar Crest College entitled An Investigation of the Effects of Different Laundering Treatments On Commonly Used Fabrics In Regards to Bloodstain Pattern Formation and Analysis, and the two presentations by Mark Reynolds of the Western Australia Police on (1) bloodstain formation and (2) the Australian fabrics course and how different fabrics effect bloodstains.

A lot of case presentations at these conferences are the same one-way dump of information: this is a photo of X, this is what the suspect said, this is what I concluded, etc.. What made DeWayne’s interesting was the way he engaged the audience, challenging them with questions. At best it was a two way exchange with the audience and at worse it was one-and-a-half: he made everyone think. In my opinion, this is a much more useful and effective way to approach this kind of presentation.

It wasn’t all work of course – the conference was held in a gargantuan casino. Some people gambled. Some won. Some lost. And unfortunately on Thursday evening Karaoke with “Sarge” was on the books for some. Land Down Under and Bohemian Rhapsody will never be the same…

Next up: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA in 2011 and Nantes, France in 2012 – see you there!

Andy Maloney

Lead Developer, HemoSpat

Brian Allen of the Ontario Police College (OPC) is accepting applications for an Advanced Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Course taking place at OPC in Aylmer, Ontario, Canada from 30 August – 04 September 2010.

This course is designed for those wishing to become Bloodstain Pattern Analysts. It is expected that students will have previous bloodletting crime scene experience. Emphasis is on presenting BPA expert evidence, report writing and the analysis of complex bloodletting scenes. Students will be exposed to the latest computer analysis technology.

Further information may be obtained at the Ontario Police College or by contacting Brian Allen:

Brian Allen - Instructor
Forensic Identification Training
Ontario Police College
10716 Hacienda Rd., Box 1190
Aylmer, Ontario
N5H 2T2

Phone: (+1) 519-773-4258
Fax:   (+1) 519-773-5762

email: Brian.Allen@ontario.ca